Pražský Kulaťák: A Modern Architectural Marvel


In an exciting development for architecture enthusiasts, the renowned Prague 6 district has announced the winners of an international competition for the completion of the 4th quadrant of Vítězné náměstí. The esteemed team of Benthem Crouwel Architects from the Netherlands and OVA from the Czech Republic emerged victorious with their exceptional project that builds upon the original urban concept by Antonín Engel.

The winning design by Benthem Crouwel Architects and OVA presents a mixed-use development comprising residential, office, and civic amenities. At its core, the design features a new square that seamlessly integrates the new building of VŠCHT (University of Chemistry and Technology) and the cultural center of Prague 6. The tranquil section of the development includes a residential block with a semi-private inner courtyard.

“Being a part of the jury for this competition and having the opportunity to contribute to the future shape of the ‘Kulaťák’ has been an honor. As the mayor, I carefully considered the opinions of the citizens who expressed their views on the final five proposals. The original urban concept by architect Antonín Engel was characterized by straightforwardness and simplicity,” expressed Jakub Stárek, the mayor of Prague 6.

The winning design has successfully preserved these fundamental principles of Engel while embracing the spirit of modern architecture befitting the 21st century. The excitement surrounding the winning proposal is not only due to personal preference but also the inclusion of a much-needed cultural center, which Prague 6 has long been yearning for.

Petr Prokop, the deputy mayor of Prague 6, responsible for real estate and strategic development, shares the joy, particularly regarding the plan for the new cultural center. He emphasized, “It is our duty to ensure that high-quality and beautiful architecture is created and that the new buildings and public spaces also serve the people. Those who will live, study, or work within them and the wider public. That is why it is of utmost importance that we were part of the jury and that we succeeded in advocating for a cultural center that will be owned by the district and aims to become the natural, cultural heart of Prague 6, as well as a significant cultural player of city-wide importance.”

Vítězné náměstí, which originated in 1925 based on the urban concept by architect Antonín Engel, is finally set to be completed with the addition of the long-awaited 4th quadrant. Over the years, the square has undergone several name changes, with one notable designation being Říjnové revoluce (October Revolution) from 1952 to 1990. However, it has become affectionately known among the locals as “Kulaťák.”

The competition was commissioned by Fourth Quadrant, a consortium consisting of investors Penta Real Estate, Sekyra Group, and Kaprain. The project’s preparation phase has already commenced with signing a contract between the investors and the winning team. While the exact timeline for the project’s realization remains uncertain, the announcement of the winners has sparked great anticipation among architecture enthusiasts and residents alike.