Publishers Demand Withdrawal of Major Media Amendment

Publishers from the Association for Internet Development and the Publishers’ Union demand the government withdraw the so-called significant media amendment from the legislative process. According to them, the proposed amendments to the laws on Czech Television, Czech Radio, and radio and television fees are disproportionate and disrupt the balance between commercial and public service news publishers.

Like major commercial broadcasters, publishers demand that an expert discussion involving them should precede it.

“The proposed amendment to the law, in its current form, is completely disproportionate, not discussed with the affected entities, and would represent a significant disruption to the stability of the entire media sector,” claim the publishers.

“The regulation does not include any provisions that would raise concerns about market imbalance; the principle of financing public service media remains the same. The volume of advertising in public service media does not increase beyond the current state,” Petra Hrušová from the Ministry of Culture responded.

In the amendment recently presented by the Ministry of Culture as a proposal of the government coalition, they suggest, among other things, increasing the fee for Czech Television from 135 to 160 crowns starting from the beginning of 2025 and increasing the monthly radio fee by ten crowns to 55 crowns. They also expand the group of obligated payers. The proposal is currently undergoing an interdepartmental commenting procedure.