Ransomware Attacks Increasing in the Czech Republic

In recent years, the Czech Republic has been facing increasing cyber attacks, particularly from pro-Russian hacker groups. These groups have been responsible for distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, which involve overwhelming a server with requests, causing it to crash. The National Centre Against Organized Crime has reported that these attacks have targeted media, state institutions, and the banking sector.

Another prevalent type of cyber attack is ransomware, which involves encrypting all the data on a computer and demanding payment for its release. These attacks have threatened businesses and tiny and medium-sized enterprises.

Despite the growing threat of cyber attacks, the Czech Republic has responded slowly. The National Cyber Security Centre has reported increased attacks on critical infrastructure, but the country’s cybersecurity measures have not kept up. The number of cyber crimes doubled from 9,036 in 2021 to 18,554 in the previous year.

The National Cyber Security Centre has identified several challenges in the fight against cybercrime. One issue is the lack of resources devoted to cybersecurity, particularly in government institutions. Another challenge is the need for greater collaboration between experts in the field and the general public. To address these challenges, the center has called for developing more accessible and comprehensive cybersecurity education programs.

As the COVID-19 pandemic has forced many institutions to work remotely, the threat of cyber-attacks has become even more pressing. The National Cyber Security Centre has warned that ransomware attacks will likely continue to pose a significant risk in the post-COVID era.

To combat the threat of cybercrime, the Czech Republic has established a new police unit, the National Centre for Combating Terrorism, Extremism, and Cybercrime. This unit will focus on investigating and preventing cyber attacks and promoting cybersecurity education and awareness.