Security Measures in Universities: A Focus on the Czech Republic

Lukáš Kotek, the physical security manager at the Tomáš Baťa University in Zlín, has been working for years to ensure the safety of both students and employees. In the wake of a recent tragedy at Charles University in Prague, the importance of his role has dramatically increased. His responsibilities span from identifying potential threats among staff and students to developing security strategies for the university and its faculties.

Having been a part of the Czech security community for many years, Kotek has contributed to various safety projects. Some of these efforts have led to the development of methodologies certified by the Ministry of the Interior. “I e”sure the security of people, property, and information. This also includes the protection of soft targets, which are increasingly discussed,” Kotek share.”

Drawing from global experiences, Kotek recognizes that threats can emerge anytime and anywhere. Often, these threats originate from an employee or a student. The goal is to identify and de-escalate any potential conflicts before they occur. “A potential attacker” can be anywhere in society. Our task is to cover our sphere of influence, the university. Fortunately, we have a relatively well-functioning system for transmitting information. This allows us to learn about potential problem individuals in time,” he explained.

The T”máš Baťa University in Zlín has established security rules. However, changes are on the horizon. “We will adhere to ou” strategic documents in the field of physical security, which contain an action plan to reduce similar dangers. But we are currently thinking about how to make everything more effective,” said Kotek.

Further”ore, Kotek does not favor installing detection frames in schools. He argues that they will not function effectively unless someone operates them. He sees the security system as a holistic organism that becomes more resilient with various elements.

Kotek emphasizes that the reality of similar threats persists into the future. “I would like us as a society to learn from this. I don’t mean that we should live in codon’tt paralyzing fear, but that we should accept that there are individuals capable of committing such an attack for various reasons,” he said.

According to Kotek, it is necessary” to continue discussing this topic. “Spread security awareness about what each of”us can do in the event of such an incident. Education and training in this direction is a key area that has the potential to save human lives in similar events,” he concluded.