Small Apartments: A Smart and Quick Investment Return in Prague

Real estate investment is a long-standing and popular method among Czechs to grow wealth. With the decreasing mortgage interest rates, the attractiveness of this investment continues to rise. In the Czech Republic, several locations offer a quick return on investment, especially for small apartments.

Small apartments, in particular, are the most financially advantageous, especially in the Most district. Due to the lower property prices in this area, the return on investment for apartments ranging from 20 to 99 square meters usually takes 11 to 12 years. For larger apartments, the Moravian-Silesian region is the most suitable area for investment. For instance, in Karvinská, the return on investment for apartments over 120 square meters takes only ten years.

According to data from the investment calculator portal Sreality, the quickest return on investment is for the smallest apartments, which have sizes between 20 and 39 square meters. Across the Czech Republic, owners can expect a return on their investment in an average of 21.4 years. Even in expensive Prague, it takes just 25 years, roughly the same or slightly shorter than the period for which Czechs usually take out mortgages.

Of course, the suitability of an investment depends on several factors, such as the apartment’s condition and the ability to find reliable tenants. “It is also important to consider the potential of the area itself and its future development. In our tool, it is also necessary to consider the number of ads in the analysis. Generally, the higher their number, the better,” says Šarlota Smutná, data analyst at

In conclusion, investing in small apartments in Prague is a smart investment choice, offering a quick return, especially in the current economic climate with lower mortgage rates. Plus, the average time to rent out an apartment in Prague is only 40 days, so it’s an investment opportunity worth considering.