Sunny Weather Is Ending, Rain and Cooling Are Coming

The Czech Republic will experience colder weather as the week has just begun. Sunscreens will be replaced with umbrellas and raincoats. Showers and rain will accompany us, and storms may occur, as revealed by meteorologist Dagmar Honsová.

“Thanks to the precipitation, allergy sufferers will be relieved this week. It will also help the northwest area of our territory, which suffers from severe soil drought. And also, the danger of natural fires will disappear,” said Honsová.

On Monday, the weather will divide the Czech Republic – the southern territory will be cloudy or overcast, with rain gradually moving from the south, and thunderstorms may occasionally occur. It will be partly cloudy or overcast in the north, with precipitation coming later in the afternoon. Daytime temperatures will range from 20 to 24 degrees Celsius, with cooler temperatures in the southern part of the country, around 17 degrees Celsius.

Tuesday will be even rainier. The weather will be cloudy or overcast, and rain or showers are expected in most of the territory, with thunderstorms occasionally occurring as well. “It will be the coldest day of the week – morning temperatures will drop to 13-9°C, and the maximum will rise only to 18-22°C,” Honsová specified.

Gradual warming up

On Wednesday, it will remain cloudy or overcast, with scattered showers or showers appearing here and there. However, daytime temperatures will rise to 20-24°C, with morning temperatures ranging from 14 to 10°C.

Thursday, also the day of St. Medard, will be partly cloudy or overcast, with daytime temperatures rising to 25°C.

Friday will be partly cloudy or overcast. Morning temperatures will drop to 14-10°C, but the mercury will climb to 26°C during the day.

The weekend will be similar. “On Saturday and Sunday, it will be partly cloudy or overcast, with showers or thunderstorms in some places. Morning temperatures will range from 14 to 10°C. Daytime temperatures will rise to 22-26°C,” Honsová concluded.