Survey: The Czechs Are In Favour Of Climate Protection

More than half of the respondents to the survey would start tackling climate change immediately, while global warming is denied by a minimum of Czechs, according to a STEM survey.

Czechs are not climate sceptics, but they are hesitant about whether the crisis must be tackled now, data from a forthcoming STEM study shows. The main concern is the Czech landscape, while the global consequences of climate change are secondary. Moreover, the survey revealed that more than three quarters of respondents do not know the European Union’s master plan to tackle the issue.

Greater sustainability and environmental protection for the Czech Republic would be welcomed by 73% of respondents, despite the fact that measures may lead to a slowdown in economic growth. According to the analysis, half of the respondents fear that the economic situation in the country will worsen as a result of the restrictions being introduced.

The oldest and youngest generations would most often welcome better and more effective environmental protection in the Czech Republic, while the 45-59 age group showed the least interest in further steps forward in the fight against the climate crisis. “Czechs are not a nation of Klausites in the sense that those who reject scientific theories on global warming are the minimum. What we are divided on is the question of how to solve the problem,” commented one of the authors of the study, analyst Nikola Hořejš.

There are no significant differences in opinion when comparing the answers by the educational level of the respondents. However, people without a high school diploma would be the most likely to vote for a stronger approach.

The topic of climate change is considered socially important and serious by 79 percent of all respondents. The largest number is in the 60+ category, where 44 per cent see it as very important and another 38 per cent see it as fairly important. The second oldest age group, 45-59, had the highest number of respondents for whom the climate crisis is not a significant social issue. The area of climate change is considered unimportant by 32 per cent.