The Big Freeze: Meteorologists Warn of Heavy Snowfall in the Czech Republic

Meteorologists have warned about a frosty Friday morning and heavy snowfall expected in the Czech mountainous regions. They predict up to 40 centimeters of fresh snow, which could significantly disrupt transportation.

The frosty weather is expected to kickstart on Thursday night and continue into Friday morning across most regions. The warning applies to the whole republic, except for the Ústí region, Prague, and parts of the Central Bohemian region. In these areas, the temperature two meters above the ground is expected to stay above freezing. However, the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (ČHMÚ) has added that “ground frost will occur in these areas too”.

Temperatures are expected to drop to -2 °C, and in the country’s eastern half, they may plunge to -4 °C. “After a temporarily warmer Saturday night, we expect more frosty nights on Sunday and Monday,” the meteorologists added.

Frost can damage flowering vegetation and budding vegetables. A potential remedy could be covering them with non-woven fabric. Heavy snowfall is expected in the mountain regions from Friday morning until Saturday evening. According to meteorologists, between 15 and 40 centimeters of snow may fall.

In the wake of this warning, areas of South Bohemia, Pilsen, Karlovy Vary, Ústí, Liberec, Hradec Králové and Pardubice regions were issued a warning. On Thursday, over 10 centimeters of snow has already fallen in the Šumava region.