The End of Above-Average Temperatures

An exceptionally warm period in the Czech Republic, which has prevailed since the beginning of September, is coming to an end, according to the long-term outlook by the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (ČHMÚ).

The outlook covers a period of four weeks from October 16th to November 12th. According to meteorologists, temperatures will reach the average this week, and although they will rise slightly next week, they will remain around the long-term average values.

“Average weekly maximums will be around 12°C, and average weekly minimums will stay below 5°C,” said meteorologists from ČHMÚ, noting that temperatures can drop below freezing on individual days.

This also applies to this week. ČHMÚ has previously warned against frost, which can occur at night and in the morning, potentially damaging more temperature-sensitive types of vegetables. The warning lasts until Wednesday morning, when temperatures may drop to -4°C with calmer winds.

Regarding precipitation, meteorologists expect amounts around the long term; there will likely be less precipitation than usual until the end of October.

The monthly outlook represents the overall character of the weather and does not account for all possible fluctuations, warns ČHMÚ. The success rate of the outlook is around 75% for temperatures and about 65% for precipitation. The forecast for the third and fourth weeks often aligns with long-term climatic values for the respective periods.