The End of September Will be a Tribute to Indian Summer

After a weekend cooldown, temperatures will rise again during the workweek. Warm air will flow into the Czech Republic, bringing us a beautiful Indian summer. The highest temperatures will reach up to 27°C, according to meteorologist Dagmar Honsová.

“Warmer air will flow from the southeast, behind an area of high atmospheric pressure – an ideal combination for Indian summer weather. In sunny weather, the highest temperatures will rise to 27°C. Where fog and low clouds persist, it will be cooler. A change will come on Friday with the passage of a cold front,” summarized the meteorologist’s outlook for the end of the week.


On Monday, it will be mostly clear to partly cloudy, with morning fog or low clouds in some places, occasionally persisting until the afternoon. Morning temperatures will range from 9°C to 4°C. Daytime temperatures will reach 20°C to 24°C, around 16°C with low cloudiness.


Similar weather can be expected on Tuesday. However, temperatures will start to rise. Morning temperatures will range from 14°C to 9°C, reaching 23°C to 27°C during the day, around 16°C with low cloudiness.

Wednesday and Thursday

On Wednesday and the national holiday on Thursday, it will be mostly clear to partly cloudy. Some places will have morning fog or low clouds, occasionally persisting until the afternoon. Temperatures are expected to be the same as on Tuesday, with morning temperatures ranging from 14°C to 9°C and daytime temperatures ranging from 23°C to 27°C, around 16°C with low cloudiness.

Cooling Won’t Be Dramatic

On Friday, it will be partly cloudy initially, with morning fog or low clouds. Cloudiness will gradually increase from the west, accompanied by rain, showers, and occasionally thunderstorms. Morning temperatures will range from 14°C to 10°C, with daytime temperatures of 22°C to 27°C.

“But there won’t be any dramatic cooling even on the weekend – we have another significantly above-average temperature week ahead of us,” added the meteorologist.

Saturday and Sunday

It will be mostly cloudy to overcast on Saturday, with occasional rain or showers. Morning temperatures will range from 15°C to 11°C. Daytime temperatures will be between 18°C and 22°C.

Sunday, the first day of October, will bring partly cloudy skies with occasional morning fog. The morning temperature will drop to 10°C to 6°C, while daytime temperatures will rise to 18°C to 22°C.

Enjoy the last days of September with this beautiful Indian summer weather!