The Rise of AI Regulation: European Concerns and the Call for Action

In recent years, the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked concerns about the potential loss of their jobs. A survey conducted by Spain’s IE University, cited by CNBC, reveals that most Europeans call for AI regulation to minimize these risks.

According to the survey, 68% of Europeans support the need for regulation. The most common concern expressed is the fear of job displacement. “It is evident that public opinion is increasingly inclined towards regulating AI, especially due to the recent emergence of generative AI-based products like ChatGPT,” commented Ikhlaq Sidhu, the dean responsible for science and technology at IE University.

Interestingly, the survey shows a significant increase in the demand for AI regulation compared to the previous year. In 2022, only 58% of respondents expressed the need for AI limitations.

The first step towards regulation has already been taken by the European Parliament, which approved a proposal for AI regulation earlier this year. This marks a significant milestone in regulating the AI sector on the continent. Similar efforts can also be observed in the United States.

While most Europeans share a similar perspective on AI regulation, the residents of Estonia hold a different opinion. Only 35% of Estonians believe the government should impose clear rules on artificial intelligence.

In addition to concerns about job security, the survey also highlights the difficulty that most people face in distinguishing content generated by AI from authentic content. Only 27% of participants in the survey are confident in their ability to identify AI-generated fake content.

It is worth noting that the rise of AI, particularly with the development of ChatGPT, has brought artificial intelligence into the spotlight. ChatGPT, a conversational system capable of generating various texts, including articles, essays, jokes, and poetry, has the ability to learn and respond to user prompts based on extensive data.

In March of this year, a more advanced AI model called GPT-4 was introduced. This model aims to provide more accurate and useful responses, paving the way for the proliferation of human-like technologies.

While concerns about AI’s impact on employment continue to grow, the International Labour Organization (ILO) has reassured that such fears may not be entirely justified. According to a recent study by the ILO, AI is unlikely to take control of most people’s jobs completely. However, the automation of certain tasks is inevitable, which could lead to the emergence of new roles and the redistribution of responsibilities.

The impact of AI is expected to be most significant in office-related activities, which could disproportionately affect women’s employment in these fields, where they are often strongly represented, particularly in wealthier countries. The study conducted by the ILO suggests that up to a quarter of office tasks can be automated, while professions such as managers and salespeople are likely to be less affected.

While AI presents both challenges and opportunities, it is important to recognize that there are still tasks that artificial intelligence cannot handle. Tasks that require purely human qualities, such as emotional intelligence and creative thinking, will likely remain outside AI’s capabilities. Shifting towards professions that leverage these unique human traits may mitigate the chances of being replaced by AI.