Three-Fifths of Czechs Have Savings for Energy Efficiency Investments

A recent survey conducted by Ipsos for Modrá pyramid reveals that energy-saving measures continue to motivate Czech households. Many Czechs plan to invest in modifications this year to reduce energy consumption costs in their homes. Three-fifths of the respondents have already saved money specifically for these investments.

The survey indicates that in every second Czech household, residents plan to implement modifications to save on expensive energy consumption. These modifications are part of already planned house or apartment renovations in a quarter of the homes.

The most common plans focus on reducing electricity or gas consumption within the household, with 30% of respondents prioritizing this. About one-fifth of households intend to invest in cheaper heating options—approximately every sixth of household plans to finance comprehensive solutions to reduce operating costs. Czechs also consider insulation, window replacement, and investments in more energy-efficient water heating, with equal interest at 15%.

While most households focus on specific areas, less than a fifth intend to address energy efficiency comprehensively. Experts caution that investments in heating sources alone, without related measures such as window replacement or insulation, may not result in sufficient savings to justify the expenditure.

Regarding financing, three-fifths of Czechs plan to fund their energy-saving investments from their own pockets. A quarter of respondents intend to utilize subsidies for at least a portion of the investment, while one in six plans to take out a loan.

Most people are considering investing up to half a million Czech korunas in energy-saving measures. However, high costs and other obstacles often lead to the postponement of such investments. Roughly half of the respondents cited concerns about the purchase price and long delivery times for equipment.

Financial institutions offer particular loans to individuals interested in investing in energy-saving measures for their households. Building societies provide loan repayment terms of up to 25 years for energy efficiency or renovations. These loans typically have lower interest rates than regular consumer loans and do not require collateral or guarantors.