Too Few Practitioners. Will Shared Offices Help?

Over six hundred medical practices have disappeared in the Czech Republic in recent years, half of which have not been replaced. The lack of general practitioners and pediatricians has been an ongoing issue, leaving many children without access to healthcare. While doctors have attempted to find solutions, the issue remains unresolved.

One potential solution is the implementation of shared medical practices. While the idea has been successful in other countries, it has yet to be fully adopted in the Czech Republic. The concept of shared practices involves two or more general practitioners working together and sharing resources to provide patient healthcare services.

In addition to shared practices, retired doctors and mothers on maternity leave are being called upon to help ease the shortage of doctors. Though this may be a temporary solution, it can provide some relief for patients needing medical care.

However, the implementation of shared practices and the recruitment of retired doctors and mothers have their challenges. The increased costs of operating a shared practice could be an issue, and it may take some time to develop a system that can effectively utilize retired doctors and mothers.

Despite these challenges, the benefits of shared practices are evident. They can increase the availability of healthcare services, especially during peak hours, and provide more flexible hours for doctors. The funds from the government could also be allocated to a special fund designated for primary care, which includes general practitioners for adults, pediatricians, and gynecologists.

The government must work with insurance companies to provide incentives and support for shared practices. The creation of a fund to finance primary care and the recruitment of retired doctors and mothers are some potential solutions to the shortage of doctors in the Czech Republic.