Traffic Restrictions on Smetanovo nábřeží for 10 Days

The repair work on Smetanovo nábřeží will limit traffic in Prague’s city center from April 15th to 24th, 2023. The Technical Administration of the Capital City of Prague (TSK) will be repairing tram tracks, and road surfaces, replacing traction poles, and rehabilitating sewers on Smetanovo nábřeží, which is a continuation of the Prague Without Barriers initiative that began last year. As a result, cars and trams will not be able to pass through the area.

From April 15th to 16th, the section of the quay between Karoliny Světlé and Karlova will be closed entirely. The detour route will go through Malá Strana. The route towards Národní will go through Jan Palach Square, Mánes Bridge, Klárov, Valdštejnská, Valdštejnské náměstí, Tomášská, Malostranské náměstí, Karmelitská, Újezd, Vítězná, and Most Legií.

In the direction of Křižovnická, it will go through Jiráskův Bridge, Dienzenhoferovy sady, V Botanice, Preslova, Arbesovo náměstí, Elišky Peškové, náměstí Kinských, (Most Legií, Vítězná), Újezd, Karmelitská, Malostranské náměstí, Letenská, Klárov, Mánes Bridge, and Jan Palach Square.

The quay between Betlémská and Národní will be partially closed from April 15th to 24th. However, one-way traffic will be allowed in the direction of Most Legií. Drivers going in the opposite direction must use Divadelní and Betlémská streets.

The closure will affect tram lines 2, 17, 18, and 24

Tram line 2 from Sídliště Petřiny will be diverted from Chotkovy Sady through Malostranská, the Law Faculty, Staroměstská, and back to Malostranská and Sídliště Petřiny. Line 17 will be divided into two halves. In the direction of Vozovna Kobylisy, it will end at the Staroměstská stop and continue as line 18 towards Nádraží Podbaba.

In the direction of Podolské vodárny, it will end at Národní divadlo stop and continue as line 18 towards Vozovna Pankrác, or Náměstí Bratří Synků. Line 18 will also be divided into two halves. In the direction of Nádraží Podbaba, it will end at the Staroměstská stop and continue as line 17 to Vozovna Kobylisy.

This repair work will cause a significant disruption in the city’s transportation system, and commuters and drivers should plan their routes accordingly.