Train Disruption in Prague

According to Czech Railways and Prague Integrated Transport, dozens of trains, including international routes, have been delayed due to a fault in the power supply at Libčice nad Vltavou – Roztoky u Prahy. Several local trains on the Prague-Kralupy nad Vltavou route have not left the station. While one track was restored at night, trains continued running late.

Czech Railways expects the problem to be resolved by late afternoon on Friday, but the exact time for the complete restoration of the service is uncertain. The railroad company has advised passengers to check for updates on their website.

The delay in long-distance trains is approximately 20 minutes. A complete overview of the affected trains is available on the websites of Czech Railways and Prague Integrated Transport.

The power supply issue has caused significant inconvenience for travelers, especially those with time-sensitive schedules. With the disruption likely to continue throughout the day, many passengers have been forced to find alternative transportation options.

The Czech Republic has been investing heavily in improving its infrastructure, including its railways, but issues like this demonstrate that there is still work to be done. The Czech government and transportation companies must continue working together to provide passengers with reliable and efficient transportation services.

As the situation develops, passengers must stay current on any changes or developments. We recommend regularly checking the websites of Czech Railways and Prague Integrated Transport for the latest information.