Verification Of Signatures Will Become More Complex And Expensive

Recently, with the closure of Czech Post offices, many of which still provide the CzechPoint service, people will also have to travel further to receive the service. CzechPoint provides a service to verify handwritten signatures on paper documents, such as contracts. Notaries have also been supplying CzechPoint services since 2008. However, verifying signatures with a notary is almost three times more expensive.

CzechPoint services on offer

CzechPoint also provides verified outputs from the land registry, public register, trade register, list of qualified suppliers, insolvency register, driver’s register, list of participants in the ISOH module, basic registers, and the ePrescription system.

Costs at a notary

The administrative fee for verifying one signature on a document at CzechPoint is 30 crowns at a post office or town hall. This is determined by the tariff of Act No. 634/2004 Coll. on administrative fees.

The notary’s fee for verifying one signature is 85 crowns, including VAT. A different regulation governs the notary’s fee for an extract, the notary tariff, which the Ministry of Justice sets.

Post Office Prices

The first page costs 100 crowns at the post office, and each additional page costs 50. The second and each subsequently verified output of the same electronic document, regardless of the number of pages, cost 50 crowns. Identification and drafting of a public deed of identification cost 200 crowns.

Signature verification costs 30 crowns at the post office and 85 crowns with a notary.

The price at a notary for an extract on the use of data from the population register is 100 crowns for the first page, nothing for the second, and 50 crowns for the third and each subsequent page.

Prices for services within CzechPoint are structured differently at a notary. An extract from the land registry (from the ownership list) costs 100 crowns excluding VAT for up to 20 pages and 150 crowns excluding VAT for over 20 pages. An extract from the trade or other public register costs 50 crowns excluding VAT, regardless of the number of pages.

An extract from the criminal record register costs 100 crowns excluding VAT, and an excerpt from the central driver’s register costs 50 crowns excluding VAT, regardless of the number of pages.

CzechPoint is disappearing together with the post office, for example, in Prague’s Vršovice, Hostivař, Černošice, on Poštovní Street in Benešov, and Jiráskova Street in Poděbrady. A total of 300 post offices are being closed.