VŠE to Dismiss Ševčík. Demonstration in Front of the School

Vít Hassan

The academic senate of the University of Economics is meeting on Monday, June 26, with only one item on the agenda. It concerns the National Economic Faculty dean, Miroslav Ševčík, and his removal from office. On the same day, Akce D.O.S.T. organized a demonstration to support him.

The scandal with Miroslav Ševčík culminated this year in March at the demonstration “Czech Republic Against Poverty,” called by Jindřich Rajchl. Although Ševčík claims that he accidentally found himself at the event while walking from lunch and helping an injured person at the National Museum, he drew attention to himself at previous demonstrations as a speaker.

About 150 people gathered at Winston Churchill Square in front of the University of Economics to express their support for Miroslav Ševčík. He arrived before the start and thanked the participants.

For example, the Chairman of the Tricolors, Zuzana Majerová, Vice-Chairman Petr Štěpánek, or the man who Ševčík was supposed to help on the stairs at the National Museum, gave speeches in front of the University of Economics. We also noticed members of Akce D.O.S.T., writer Lenka Procházková, D.O.S.T.mber Josef Skála, SPD’s Jiří Kobza, and actor Ivan Vyskočila.

“When I shorten the whole story, it looks like this: Docent Ševčík stood up for a citizen beaten by the police at the National Museum and was himself attacked by the police. Everything else that has accumulated around it is already media manipulation, shameful creation of a pretext to remove an uncomfortable academic official who regularly criticizes the government of Petr Fiala,” said Zuzana Majerová before the event.

She repeated in front of the University of Economics that Ševčík allegedly did only walk around the National Museum and help someone. According to her, the person who should consider his resignation is the rector of the University of Economics, Petr Dvořák.

According to MP Kobza, there is “the greatest suppression of freedom of speech.”

Pepa Nos took care of the music and said that Miroslav Ševčík went to his concerts during communism, and now he is returning his support. For example, the following slogans were on the banners: “Let Ševčík teach! The government deserves to be dismissed.” “High school of totalitarian practices, let Ševčík teach” or “Dismissal of Ševčík – the end of democracy in Bohemia.”

The police and an anti-conflict team are present, but everything is calm. Ševčík’s dismissal is currently being discussed, and it is expected that the vote will take place no later than 7 pm. Miroslav Ševčík promised the participants that he would send them an SMS with the result after the vote.