We are excited to share with you all about the upcoming Easter holiday

Easter is an important Christian holiday where believers celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. However, even those who don’t observe the religious context of the holiday can enjoy the festivities that come with springtime. From Easter carols to decorated eggs and traditional treats like Mazanec and Easter lamb, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

For those working, Easter Monday falls on April 10th this year and is a national holiday in the Czech Republic, along with Good Friday, which is on April 7th. This means that many employees can enjoy an extended weekend.

Easter is considered a “moveable feast” because its date is determined by the first full moon of the spring season. Easter Sunday is then celebrated on the first Sunday following this full moon. The spring equinox falls on March 20th so Easter Sunday can occur on any date between March 22nd and April 25th.

We find it fascinating to learn about the astronomical factors that impact the timing of Easter. The first day of spring, or the spring equinox, used to be celebrated on March 21st, but it has shifted to March 20th due to the difference between the Gregorian and astronomical calendars. The spring equinox will continue to occur on March 20th until the year 2048, when it will move back to March 19th. The first day of spring won’t fall on March 21st again until 2102!

For those wondering about the dates of Easter in 2023, here’s a quick overview:

-Easter Monday: April 10th

-Good Friday: April 7th

-Businesses: Open on Friday, closed on Monday

-Impact on employees: Extended weekend for many workers

-Calculation of Easter date: Based on the first full moon of the spring season

-Easter Sunday: First Sunday after the full moon

-Spring Equinox: March 20th

Lastly, for students, Easter vacation begins on Thursday, April 6th, and lasts until Tuesday, April 11th. As for business hours, stores are open on Good Friday but closed on Easter Monday, with a few exceptions, such as shops with a sales area of up to 200 square meters, stores in airports and train stations, health care facilities, and wholesalers.