Weekend Metro Service Disruption Between Můstek and Dejvická

This upcoming weekend, the Prague metro service along Line A will experience a temporary halt between Dejvická and Můstek stations. Commuters will have access to alternative tram service lines XA and 35 during this period. Additionally, there will be an enhanced service on line 100 for those traveling to and from Václav Havel Airport, with the route passing through Zličín.

The disruption in the metro service results from necessary track maintenance, prompting the Transport Company to take this temporary measure.

The replacement service line XA will operate on a circular route, traversing Nádraží Podbaba – Vítězné náměstí (Dejvická metro station) – Hradčanská – Malostranská – Staroměstská – Národní třída – Václavské náměstí (Můstek metro station) – Masarykovo nádraží – Náměstí Republiky – Malostranská – Hradčanská – Vítězné náměstí – Nádraží Podbaba.

Line 35 will follow the same route but in the opposite direction.

Bus lines 107 and 147 will experience an extension of their routes to Červený vrch via Bořislavka due to the service disruption. Additionally, trams 8 and 18 will make unique stops at Červený vrch.

For the remaining stretch between Dejvická and Nemocnice Motol and between Můstek and Depo Hostivař stations, regular service will continue. In case of any confusion, station attendants will guide passengers at the respective stops.