Green Light for Electronic IDs in the Czech Republic


The Czech Republic is moving a step ahead in digitalization as Senators approve the use of electronic forms of IDs. This development comes as part of an amendment to the law on the right to digital services, supported by 66 senators. The new system is set to take effect in January, marking a significant shift in how citizens interact with domestic offices and institutions.

The use of electronic IDs will be voluntary, providing citizens with the choice to continue using their physical ID cards or to opt for the digital version. These digital IDs can be easily uploaded via an application on mobile phones. It promises to be straightforward – download the application, register, and start using it.

One of the notable advantages of this digital system is the ease it offers in case of loss. Unlike the physical ID, if you lose your mobile phone, you can remotely deactivate the electronic ID. This eliminates the need to visit offices to issue a new one, significantly reducing inconvenience and bureaucracy.

The state plans to launch the mobile application, eDoklady, in January. From this date, more and more institutions that accept these electronic IDs will begin to emerge. It will be possible to use the eDoklady at central state administration bodies as soon as it’s published in the Collection of Laws in January.

However, the rollout will be phased. From summer, it will be possible to use the electronic ID at police stations, unemployment offices, and financial offices. Looking further ahead, by January 2025, the use of digital IDs will extend to post offices and within local governments.

It’s important to note that digital IDs will not be valid for travel abroad. Physical IDs will still be required for international travel. Electronic ID misuse will be subject to a fine of up to 10,000 korunas.