A 13-year-old boy was shot in Černý Most

Pavel Jaňurek

Police are investigating the gunshot wound of a 13-year-old boy in Prague. He is not in life-threatening condition, but witnesses say he was shot with an air rifle. Police arrested two men.

“We are investigating a case of a 13-year-old boy being shot in Černý Most, Prague 9. He is in the care of paramedics and is not in danger of life,” police spokesman Jan Daněk said.

Daněk then specified two men had been detained. “Police officers detained two men and several weapons after searching two buildings at the scene. A bomb squad is still on its way to the scene to secure the weapons,” the spokesman said.

Paramedics, a doctor, and an inspector rushed to the boy’s aid. “They secured venous entry, replenished fluids, administered pain medication, and performed wound care. The boy was transported to Motol hospital while conscious,” rescue spokeswoman Jana Poštová added.

The incident took place in a park on Slévačská Street. Police have cordoned off the scene and are investigating the details. More children were at the stage, and police cordoned off the area around the houses. A SWAT team is also helping.