A Rainy Week Ahead in the Czech Republic

Just as in the past, the Czech Republic will experience a frontal interface this week, indicating the need for people to prepare for a relaxed and rainy week. The umbrellas will be put away only during the weekend when summer temperatures will return. However, as meteorologist Dagmar Honsová pointed out while giving an overview of the upcoming days, the weekend may also bring storms.

From Monday, temperatures will be cooler than the weekend, hovering around 20°C. This is especially true in the eastern part of our territory. Warmer air from the southwest will penetrate us only during the weekend, bringing summer temperatures but also storms.

It will be cloudy or overcast on Monday with rain, and storms will occasionally occur. There will be at least half-clear skies in the northwest. Daytime temperatures will range between 18 and 23°C. On Tuesday, it will be cloudy to half-clear, with occasional showers. Cloudiness will increase daily from the southeast, and rain will occur everywhere. Morning temperatures will rise to 12 to 8°C, and daytime ones will be around 18 to 22°C.

Wednesday will be cloudy to overcast, with occasional showers or rain. Morning temperatures will be slightly lower than Tuesday, reaching 11 to 6°C. Daytime temperatures will also drop, starting at 14°C, but they can still reach up to 20°C in some places.

We will see similar conditions during the rest of the week, with fluctuating temperatures and occasional rain. Still, the weekend will bring a respite with temperatures rising to resemble summer, going up to 27°C on Sunday.