Remarkable Voter Turnout in Czech European Elections

Czech citizens turned out in record numbers in the European elections, exceeding 36%. Almost three million valid votes were cast in this crucial democratic exercise. Interestingly, only 330,000 of these votes were for unsuccessful entities in the elections, resulting in wasted votes. This is less than in previous European elections in 2019 and even less than in the parliamentary elections 2021, where more than a million votes were wasted.

In this year’s elections to the European Parliament (EP), 2,968,889 valid votes were cast. Of this total, 2,638,660 voters voted for parties, movements, and coalitions that were successful in the contest and took at least one mandate. Thus, 330,229 votes were wasted, and voters were divided among unsuccessful entities. This represents approximately 12.5%.

The ANO movement received the most votes (776,158), followed by the Spolu coalition composed of ODS, TOP 09, and KDU-ČSL, which was voted for by 661,250 people. The third oath and motorists received 304,623 votes, “Enough!” (KSČM, SD-SN, ČSNS) was given a vote by 283,935 voters, STAN 258,431, and SPD with Tricolour 170,172.

It is important to remember that participation was a record 36.45%. Interest in the EP elections is traditionally lower than, for example, the parliamentary elections, where interest is over 60%. In 2019, the last European elections, 2,370,765 valid votes were cast with a voter turnout of 28.72%. Successful entities then received over two million votes. More than 363,000 votes were ‘burnt,’ which accounted for 15%.

Looking ahead, experts are concerned that up to a quarter of the votes could be wasted in the upcoming parliamentary elections next year. This could potentially strengthen the number of mandates for the winner of the elections, which could be the ANO movement according to preferences, but at the same time, it could weaken its coalition potential.