Today the building of the new metro D line from Pankrác station towards Nové Dvory was accepted. It will cost about ...

A four-day meeting will begin today in the Czech Republic with the chief leader of the Belarusian opposition, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya. ...

Today builders will head over to complete the final work on the D4 motorway between Příbram and Písek. It is ...

One of the most appealing displays at the Dvur Kralove Safari Park, a new lake with hippos, debuted on Friday ...

Forty percent of Czech children aged 11 to 15 sleep less than experts recommend on weekdays. They may then suffer ...

The police had to stop 140 Czech travelers on their way to Prague from Tunisia on Saturday. Their Covid tests ...

The ICOMOS (International Council of Monuments and Sites) recommendation is the basis for the world heritage committee’s negotiations, which will ...

About 400 people gathered in Prague on Friday to march from Palackého náměstí to the Justice Ministry to draw attention ...

According to the most recent Smart Quarantine report, 0.8 contacts were reported at the peak of the coronavirus epidemic in ...

In response to the Supreme Administrative Court’s (SAC) decision, which reminded the government that coronavirus measures must be in accordance ...