Prague Pride, an annual event in support of the LGBTQ+ community, is set to begin on Monday, August 7th. This ...

If you’re looking to escape the crowds of tourists in Prague, look no further than Loreta. This stunning complex is ...

Prague Pride, the city’s LGBTQ+ festival, is set to take place for the thirteenth year in a row. As is ...

Prague’s city council has been embroiled in a heated debate with its former political allies, Praha Sobě, over the issue ...

The numbers for July haven’t been counted yet, but businesses in Prague are reporting a solid tourist season so far. ...

A recent inspection by the city of Prague has found that most restaurant patio operators in the city center are ...

The city district of Praha 2 has launched a new initiative to encourage residents to take an active role in ...

Nutria, also known as river rats, have become a common sight for visitors to Libeňský and Střelecký islands in Prague. ...

As the summer heats up in Prague, so does the activity of pickpocketing gangs. According to Radek Mudroch, the chief ...

Prague 6 plans to invest approximately 250 million CZK in reconstructing primary and kindergarten schools this year. The money will ...