The Prague 8 municipal district has opposed a blanket reduction in the speed limit to 30 kilometers per hour. The ...

According to a document approved by Prague City Council on Monday, the City of Prague will rename 21 streets, mainly ...

The Prague 13 district has begun the renovation of the area in front of the Faculty Elementary School Between Schools. ...

In the past few days, the spring season has brought about a renewed tradition in the Obořa Hvězda, a protected ...

The new bridge over the Vltava River between Prague 4 and 5 will bear the name of a significant woman, ...

According to a recent study by EOS and Dynata, every seventh Czech has been in debt recently, primarily due to ...

Offering discounts through mobile applications is becoming increasingly popular among supermarkets, with Lidl and Albert adopting the strategy in the ...

Located on Čimická Street, a dilapidated house in Prague 8 is known to locals as “the house of horrors.” The ...

The Technical Road Administration is planning a partial closure of one of the tubes of the Zlíchovský tunnel in Prague ...

Prague has approved a land swap deal with the Czech Republic. The agreement will see the city transfer properties in ...