On Friday, some traders were trying to see what their customers could stand, Agriculture Minister Zdeněk Nekula (KDU-ČSL) said. And ...

The imbalance of the pension system is the biggest problem of the Czech public finances. On Thursday, the National Budget ...

The average mortgage offer rate, according to Fincentrum Hypoindex, reached 6.27 percent at the beginning of March. It thus fell ...

Unemployment in the Czech Republic was stagnant in February at 3.9 percent, the same as in January. This is according ...

Like last year, food prices in the Czech Republic rose faster than the European average at the beginning of this ...

The average nominal wage in the Czech Republic increased by 7.9 percent year-on-year in the fourth quarter of last year, ...

The painfully fast growth of foodstuffs should slow down in the coming months, and some foodstuffs will probably even become ...

According to a revised estimate, the Czech economy grew by 2.4 percent year-on-year last year. On Friday, the Czech Statistical ...

Vegetables and fruit in the Czech Republic have become more expensive recently. One of the main reasons for this is ...

Look in your wallet; you may find notes that have been invalid since the middle of last year. Tens of ...