Chcípl PES initiative protests in front of Czech television

Pavel Jaňurek

On Monday evening, an estimated four hundred people gathered for a demonstration “for freedom of speech and balanced information” in front of the Czech Television building in Prague, called by the Chcípl PES initiative.

The protest was called for 5 pm. Critical of coronavirus measures or the COVID-19 vaccination, the initiative called on people to bring pots and pans to the “lid revolution.” The participants made noise with them at the entrance. Some also brought drums, and Czech flags flew over their heads.

About 20 minutes after the start, the demonstrators started to move, marching around the building and making noise and shouting slogans against the coronavirus measures or directly against Czech Television. 

Policeand security guards guard the Czech Television building supervise the event. According to the police, the event went off without any serious problems. “No disturbance of public order,” police spokesman Jan Rybanský said at 6 pm.