Crosses Covered the Square Of Průhonice. I Will Pay For the Removal, Babiš Said

The crosses were sprayed on the square in Průhonice by the Milion chvilek pro demokracii association. The action draws attention to the Prime Minister’s failure during the pandemic.

The square in Průhonice was covered with white crosses. “I will pay for the removal of the crosses; I have agreed with the mayor of Průhonice, that’s all I can tell you,” the Prime Minister mentioned. He and his team are already there, so the ANO rally will take place despite the protest gesture of the Million Moments for Democracy.

Babiš is supposed to spin ice cream and sign his book in the square. “I will do everything I can to ensure that the Pirates do not ban vanilla and chocolate ice cream,” Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš (ANO) wrote on social media, inviting people to the ice cream social.

As in the spring, the Old Town Square is a tribute to the victims of the coronavirus. The Milion Chvilek pro demokracii association wanted to use the crosses on the square in Průhonice to commemorate the failure of Andrej Babiš and his government.

“The government itself is not to blame for the pandemic, but many lives have been lost unnecessarily due to the mismanagement of the state, and the Prime Minister can not wash away this responsibility with his campaign,” the association said.