Czech National Bank Warns of Increased Cybercriminal Activity Targeting Citizens’ Bank Accounts

Cybercriminals are increasingly targeting the bank accounts of Czech citizens and have come up with new ways to access them, according to a warning issued by the Czech National Bank (CNB) on Monday.

The number of payment frauds has been rising, with hundreds of people reporting attempts to lure them into giving away their money over the past six months. Scams often involve tricking victims into authorizing payment on their mobile banking app or stealing their login details so that fraudsters can access their accounts.

The CNB also warned that cybercriminals are becoming more professional and sophisticated in their tactics, posing as members of bank boards and targeting not only individual customers but also businesses, non-profit organizations, and local governments.

To help people protect themselves from scams, the CNB has launched a new educational website called “Peníze na útěku” (Money on the run).