Czech Post Spends CZK 10m on Research but Refuses to Reveal Findings

The Czech Post has refused to reveal the findings of research that cost more than CZK 10m ($455,000). The revelation comes at a time when the company is struggling with bankruptcy. Still, despite this, it has not been saving money in marketing and promotion, even after the announcement of the closure of three hundred branches. The contracts were made with Kantar CZ, which has processed several surveys for the Czech Post. The Czech Post paid over CZK 9.5m to Kantar CZ for the period above.

Kantar CZ is a company that offers comprehensive processing of quantitative and qualitative research. Records of the collaboration of these two entities were found in the contract registry. A total of 45 contracts were found, the first from October 2017 and the last from April 2023. Almost all arrangements are for quantitative marketing research or analysis and research.

The published orders describe the orders as “ordering quantitative marketing research according to the specifications in the order annex.” This applies to millions of crowns.

In this year alone, three orders have been made. At the beginning of February, the first was worth CZK 58,500 ($2,650) for a marketing survey. The specification referred to “optimizing the branch network.” The second was made on 31 March for CZK 93,878 ($4,260) and was for a “client reaction to the extension of the D+3 delivery time,” according to the order.

The last order made public so far was on 3 April for CZK 197,489 ($8,970) and concerned the potential and price of delivery boxes. Kantar CZ is expected to deliver its survey by 30 June.

The Czech Post has been struggling with financial problems, and the risk of bankruptcy has not escaped it. The company is one of the largest employers in the country, employing more than 32,000 people. This comes as no surprise, given the current economic conditions in the country. The government has stated it will help the Czech Post if it fails.