Czechs Have The Second Most Expensive Mobile Internet In Europe

A ranking that will not please the Czechs. Czechs have the second most expensive data in Europe, according to a survey by an independent British portal that tracks mobile internet prices around the world. According to Czech economists, there is a lack of competition in the Czech Republic and prices are kept up by big operators. Industry and Trade Minister Karel Havlicek (ANO), on the other hand, claims that operators are getting cheaper and that surveys do not count on unlimited packages.

On average, Czechs pay around CZK 171 per gigabit (GB) of data. In neighbouring Poland, however, people pay only CZK 13 for the same amount of data. According to an independent British portal, Czechs still have some of the most expensive data in Europe. Only Greece pays more for mobile internet access.

People asked by CNN Prima NEWS for their opinion think that data is expensive. “Compared to other countries, definitely yes,” said one of the people interviewed. However, some think that although the data package could be cheaper, the situation is not that bad yet. Specifically, with one of the big three Czech operators, Czechs pay CZK 825 per month for 15 GB of data. In Austria, however, people pay CZK 558 for 16 GB of data.

Meanwhile, cheaper data was one of the government’s priorities. “It is indeed a priority of the ANO movement to do something about the overpriced data,” said Prime Minister Andrej Babiš in 2019.