Czechs save mainly on restaurant visits and car trips

Only one in eight Czechs have not yet been affected by the significant price rise in recent months. More than half of them, however, are already having to cut back. They are mainly cutting back on restaurant visits, shopping for clothes or cosmetics, reducing transport costs, or limiting car journeys.

A recent STEM/MARK survey for Anytime showed that 88 percent of Czechs are noticeably affected by the current price increases, especially for energy, fuel, and other vital commodities. In comparison, 56 percent already have to cut back. A third is already feeling the price increases but does not have to cut back yet.

Only slightly more than 3% of respondents stated that the current price increases are not affecting them and that they do not expect to have to reduce their spending. One in ten then said that although the rise in the price level does not affect them, they expect it in the future.

Where are Czechs trying to save money?

Most people-56 percent-mentioned that they are limiting their visits to restaurants because they are not spending on purchasing extra items, such as mobile phones, or buying new clothes or cosmetics.

They are cutting back on entertainment, holidays, and, last but not least, food. More than a quarter of the respondents (28 percent) are already saving for their hobbies.

Due to the rise in fuel prices and general inflation, 37 percent of people have had to reduce their spending on transport by car in the last three months.