Discover Hidden Gems: Open House Prague Festival Unveils Architectural Treasures

Stanislava Benešová

The Open House Prague festival celebrated its ninth edition over the weekend, opening over 100 normally inaccessible buildings to the public. Enthusiasts could explore these buildings or participate in guided tours freely. This year’s edition was dedicated to the birth anniversaries of architects Karel Prager and Antonín Viktor Barvitius. Prager’s notable works, such as the construction of the New Stage of the National Theatre and the Federal Assembly, were included in the festival.

One of the festival’s highlights was the Municipal Baths, a historical gem that captivated visitors with its architectural beauty and rich history. Located in Prague, these baths provided a unique glimpse into the city’s cultural heritage. Additionally, the New Stage of the National Theatre, designed by Karel Prager, showcased its remarkable modernist design, captivating attendees with its grandeur.

Open House Prague offers a rare opportunity for the public to discover hidden architectural treasures throughout the city. This year, participants had the chance to explore a diverse range of buildings, including cultural institutions, private residences, industrial sites, and more. The festival aims to promote a deeper appreciation for architecture and the significance of preserving these architectural gems for future generations.

The guided tours provide visitors with valuable insights into the history, design, and purpose of each building. Architecture enthusiasts, history buffs, and curious individuals immersed themselves in the rich stories behind these iconic structures, gaining a deeper understanding of Prague’s architectural heritage.

Open House Prague continues to be a highly anticipated annual event, attracting locals and tourists with a passion for architecture and exploration. The festival’s mission to open doors, literally and figuratively, inspires a sense of wonder, appreciation, and curiosity for the architectural wonders surrounding us.