E.ON to Lower Gas Prices for Customers Without Price Fixation

As of May, energy company E.ON will lower gas prices for 150,000 customers without price fixation. According to the company, prices will drop between 13 and 21 percent compared to the current rates. This will result in an annual decrease of about 4,500 CZK in gas costs for average consumers who use gas for heating.

E.ON announced this news on Wednesday. The energy sector has been gradually reducing prices this year, responding to the drop in wholesale energy prices. This price reduction marks the third decrease by E.ON in the past year. The exact rate of reduction will depend on the consumption of consumers.

“The situation in the gas market is currently developing positively. The warm winter is helping us, and the commodity prices on the exchanges are falling. Therefore, we can again lower the tariffs for all our clients who have products without price fixation,” said Jan Zápotočný, Deputy Chairman of the Board of E.ON Energy.

With the new rates, regular customers will pay 1989 CZK per megawatt-hour (MWh) for delivered gas, including VAT, in all consumption bands. This means the gas price in the given tariff will be the same regardless of consumption.

According to the company’s calculations, an average household that only uses gas for cooking and annually consumes up to 1.89 MWh will save around 680 CZK annually with the new tariffs compared to the current ones. Households that use gas to heat water and annually consume about eight MWh of gas will see a total decrease in costs of about 2,500 CZK. Households that heat with gas and consume about 15 MWh annually will see a total cost reduction of approximately 4,500 CZK.