Easter Markets in Prague: Bring Your Own Food or Lots of Money


This time, the Old Town Square has come to life with Easter markets. We headed to the square to soak up the holiday atmosphere and discover what was available. We arrived at the market just before 7 pm on Friday, walking from the Můstek metro station. As tradition has it, crowds of tourists were streaming towards the square from Wenceslas Square, some stopping at the Astronomical Clock and others heading straight to the markets.

The markets occupy almost the entire Old Town Square. However, given the size of the square, we were surprised by the range of individual stands. Most sold food, while the rest sold classic tourist goods and Easter products. The latter is worth seeing: dozens of painted, wooden, and blown eggs, but also gingerbread with an Easter theme.

Prices are higher

One painted egg costs 120 crowns, and a box of five costs 600. More giant gingerbread cookies usually cost around two hundred crowns, while smaller ones, such as a five-centimeter. You can also buy ducks, paintings, and other items here.

The prices of Easter items are higher, but you will have a souvenir to take home. The same cannot be said of the delicacies you consume here. If you come here with your kids in the afternoon, be prepared to spend much money.

Half a liter of water costs 60 crowns, Pepsi Cola 70 crowns, Pilsner beer costs 75 crowns, mulled wine and two deciliters of punch cost 90 crowns each, and 120 crowns for four deciliters of fresh (orange) juice. Prices are the same in all stands, so there’s no point in looking around to save.

Regarding food, be prepared that a hot dog wrapped in dough and fried (which an adult can eat in three bites) costs 120 crowns. A lángos is 150 crowns; if you want tartar sauce on it, you’ll pay another ten crowns. A spiral potato (fried potato cut into a spiral and threaded onto a skewer) costs 90 crowns.