Energy Conservation on the Rise Among Czechs

A recent survey by the agency Ipsos for ČEZ has found that, as of the past winter, Czechs are making concerted efforts to save on energy. This trend is in response to fears of further price hikes, a concern shared by half of the respondents in the September survey.

The research shows that 80% of the households surveyed are planning to save energy in various ways. The methods range from replacing appliances and bulbs with less energy-intensive alternatives to making building modifications. Some families are ready to invest over 50,000 crowns, mainly counting on state subsidies.

Analyst Michal Straka from Ipsos stated, “People are not planning drastic measures like reducing the temperature in the apartment to a minimum.” He suggests that the situation is calming down.

Interestingly, in January, nearly half the households reported an increase in installments, in August and September, this figure was slightly more than a quarter, most commonly up to 500 crowns per month.

Over 60% of households last year claimed that a further increase in energy prices would force them to limit leisure activities significantly. By the end of this year’s third quarter, this number dropped to less than 40%.

This survey was conducted before the Energy Regulatory Office (ERÚ) proposed a significant increase in the regulated part of energy prices. Currently, the held component makes up about 40% of the final price for households and around 20% for gas.

In response to the situation, Prime Minister Petr Fiala (ODS) stated that end energy prices next year will increase by a maximum of single-digit percentages, pointing out the decrease in the commercial component of costs.