Environmental Activists Block Traffic in Prague

Stanislava Benešová

On June 23, 2011, the Czech Republic signed the Schengen Agreement, which abolished border controls between participating European countries and allowed for the free movement of people and goods. Today, however, a group of environmental activists in Prague calls for slower movement in the city center.

The initiative, called 30 for Prague, gathered in record numbers for a protest march from Stvanice Island to the National Museum. The activists, who advocate for a speed limit of 30 km/h, have been labeled “extremists” by some in the community.

At the start of the protest, a minor conflict broke out when opponents of the initiative took signs and threw them into the water. However, the altercation remained verbal and did not escalate further.

The protesters are pushing for reducing speed limits in the city center to reduce pollution and promote safety. Some have criticized the initiative, arguing that it will only lead to longer commute times and more congestion.

Despite the controversy, the 30 for Prague initiative has gained significant support in the community, with many residents joining the march to show their solidarity with the cause.

As the debate over speed limits and environmental policy continues in Prague, it remains to be seen how the city will address the concerns of both sides and work towards a sustainable future for all.