Fiala will provide Pavel’s team with a Hrzánský Palace until the inauguration

Milan Malíček

Prime Minister Petr Fiala (ODS) has decided that the team of future President Petr Pavel will be able to use the Hrzán Palace at Hradčany until the inauguration. Pavel’s team asked the Prime Minister for this, and he “gladly complied.”.

Pavel, who won the presidential election on Saturday, will take office in March after the inauguration. He will be based at the Hrzán Palace before moving to Prague Castle, where he will succeed Miloš Zeman.

Hrzánský Palace is located on Loretánská Street and was built on the site of a former Gothic house. The palace was built in the post-Blohemian period. It is named after Sigismund Valentin Hrzán of Harras.

Currently, the building is used for representational purposes of the Prime Minister.