Fire Ignition Prohibited in Prague

The Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI) issued a fire hazard warning on May 26th. In response to this alert, the Prague City Council issued a regulation prohibiting the ignition of fires in high-risk areas. The ban came into effect at 12 o’clock.

Detailed information regarding the ban on fire ignition can be found on the official notice board of the city council. The ban will remain in effect until further notice, which will likely depend on the validity of the meteorologist’s warning.

Designated high-risk areas include forested areas and their surroundings within 50 meters. This also applies to forest parks, public parks, and private gardens.

Storage facilities for hay and straw and their surroundings within a distance of 50 meters also pose a threat. This definition also encompasses agricultural fields that are susceptible to ignition and fire spread due to their vegetative nature, as stated in a press release from the Prague City Council sent to the media.

According to Regulation No. 6/2019 of the Prague City Council, the ignition and maintenance of fires, smoking (except for electronic cigarettes), pyrotechnics, releasing lanterns, lighting torches, and other flammable materials are prohibited. Discarding smoldering objects such as cigarette butts is also prohibited.

Steam locomotives are banned unless measures to prevent fire outbreaks are in place. Using water from firefighting sources for purposes other than fire suppression is not permitted.