Prague Enhances Pedestrian Safety with Illuminated Crossings

The Prague City Council is investing 29 million CZK to construct illuminated crossings as part of its plan for this year. Fifty-three corners will be equipped with new lighting, gradually covering fifteen city districts.

According to the Technology of the Capital City of Prague (THMP), the first installations have been completed on Ústřední and Archimédova Streets in Prague 15. The decision to implement the project was driven by the aim to improve pedestrian visibility for drivers through better lighting.

“For safe movement in traffic, it is crucial to see and, above all, be seen. By illuminating the crossings, we improve conditions for both pedestrians and drivers. This enables drivers to spot pedestrians earlier and avoid unnecessary collisions,” said Zdeněk Hřib (Pirates), the First Deputy Mayor of the City of Prague for Transport.

Improving visibility at crossings will be implemented in most city districts. Illuminated corners will be introduced, among other locations, at the entrance to Letná Park, near the Czech Technical University (ČVUT), at Jiřího z Poděbrad Square, and on other busy streets with tram traffic, such as Francouzská, Seifertova, and Střešovická.

The newly installed lighting fixtures feature flat glass and directional optics to reduce nighttime light pollution. The LED light temperature ensures optimal color rendering, essential for enhancing pedestrian safety in road traffic.

In addition to constructing new crossings, THMP provides service and maintenance for over 1,300 existing illuminated corners throughout the city. The illumination in Prague is activated one hour before public lighting and is switched off one hour later.