Households May Resume Contributions to Renewable Sources Next Year

Households could contribute to renewable sources again starting next year, according to Finance Minister Zbyněk Stanjura. Payments to support renewable sources were waived for homes and businesses due to the significant increase in energy prices from last October until the present year. However, as part of a consolidation package for the next two years, the government plans to reduce payments for renewable sources by 14 billion crowns.

Currently, the state bears the entire cost of supporting renewable sources, but the extent to which households and businesses will contribute in the future is yet to be decided. Considering energy prices, the decision will be made in the second half of this year. Minister Stanjura emphasized that the waiver of payments was temporary, and it is not surprising that households and businesses would once again financially participate in supporting renewable sources.

Until September of the previous year, households contributed 60 haulers per kilowatt hour of electricity consumed to support renewable sources. This amounted to around 1800 crowns on the electricity bill for a yearly consumption of 3000 kWh. Those who relied on electricity for heating paid even more with higher consumption.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade will be responsible for ensuring the savings from reduced payments. Negotiations with affected unions will significantly determine the level at which costs for renewable sources will be reinstated.

Energy prices spiked following the Russian invasion, prompting the government to cap prices for this year. However, due to favorable developments in wholesale markets, most energy suppliers currently offer prices below the ceiling. The government’s decision to reinstate payments reflects the aim of providing long-term support for renewable energy and its positive environmental impact.

Further updates regarding the resumption of payments for renewable sources will be provided as negotiations progress. The government remains committed to promoting a greener and more sustainable future.