Looking for a Summer Job in the Czech Republic? Here’s What You Need to Know

If you’re looking to earn some extra cash this summer in the Czech Republic, plenty of opportunities are available. With hundreds of available positions and hourly rates as high as CZK 200, seasonal workers can make a significant income and gain valuable experience in various industries.

According to reports, companies across various industries struggle to find reliable workers, leaving many positions open for temporary or part-time employment. And for those willing to put in the work, the pay can be pretty lucrative. Some seasonal workers are reporting earnings of over CZK 25,000 per month, making more than they would in a typical full-time position.

Available positions range from security guards to cleaners to receptionists and drivers and can be found on job search websites such as Volnámísta.cz and Jobs.cz. Many companies are looking for workers in Prague, the Jihomoravský region, and the Středočeský region.

While the hourly wage for these positions varies depending on the job and the company, the average rate falls between CZK 140-154 per hour. And while the most in-demand positions are often lower-paying, such as fast food workers, plenty of higher-paying opportunities remain.

Some companies, like Kaufland, even offer rates as high as CZK 165 per hour. And for those with specialized skills or experience, even more options are available. High school students with technical training can often find positions in their field, while foreign workers may be able to take advantage of higher-paying jobs in fields like nursing or social care.

Of course, not all summer jobs are created equal, and some are less desirable than others. Positions like fast food worker and fry cook tend to pay less than others, with rates around CZK 108-120 per hour. And while some companies offer bonuses like free meals or drinks, others require workers to work extra weekend hours.