Matějská Fair 2023: Rising Prices and Diverse Attractions in Prague

The 428th edition of the Matějská fair in Prague’s Holešovice district is reaching its climax. Even this event has not been spared from rising prices due to inflation. How much will we pay this year, and will one visit cost? We found out.

The fair organizer, Václav Kočka Sr., had already warned about the price increases before the fair began. In an interview with, he stated, “I can’t tell you exactly how much the attractions will increase in price because everyone is the owner of their attraction, and they set the prices themselves.” That’s why we went there ourselves and mapped out the prices.

Over 100 different attractions at the exhibition grounds this year will entertain both younger visitors and adrenaline enthusiasts. The traditional offer of sweet and savory snacks and traditional shooting galleries are not lacking. Additionally, the fairgrounds are partially located in the upper part of the exhibition grounds, right next to the newly renovated Industrial Palace.

The smallest visitors can ride for 70 crowns.

Attraction prices for the smallest visitors range from around 70 crowns. For example, a 3-minute ride on a kiddie train or an equally long ride on a floor carousel costs that much. Ten crowns more, for instance, is the price for 5 minutes on a trampoline or a 6-minute ride on a children’s slide.

A big chain costs 80 crowns as well. A ride on a flying swan costs 80 crowns. Children under two years old are admitted for free when accompanied by an adult. However, for older children, payment is required.

A little bit of adrenaline for a hundred, AirBorne for two

More adrenaline-pumping attractions, such as Extreme, Octopus, or Techno, will cost roughly a hundred crowns. Shooting five rounds at the shooting gallery costs a hundred crowns as well. Bumper cars are slightly more expensive, with one ride costing 120 crowns. However, two people can ride at once. A ride on a Ferris wheel for one person costs 150 crowns.

The most expensive attractions are the latest ones from the Netherlands, to which Václav Kočka Sr. has been inviting visitors regularly for several years now. One ride on the AirBorne costs 200 crowns. The Aeronaut and Base Jumper XXL attractions cost 150 crowns, twenty less.

Cotton candy from 50 Crowns

As for traditional fair refreshments, a gingerbread heart costs 100 crowns. Other sweets, such as Turkish delight or žužu, range in price from around 70 crowns. Cotton candy on a stick costs 50-80 crowns depending on the size, and in a bucket, it ranges from 120 to 250 crowns depending on the size.

Regarding savory foods and drinks, it’s essential to be careful as prices vary at different stands. For example, some places charge 100 crowns for a classic langos, while others charge 120. A hot dog in a bun costs around 40 crowns, fries cost about 70, and sausage costs 120. Half a liter of raspberry beer costs 40 crowns, and beer costs sixty.

It is necessary also to consider the admission fee

One afternoon at the Matějská pouť can become more expensive, especially if the whole family goes. During visits on weekends or holidays, an admission fee of 30 crowns per person must also be added. Only children up to 120 centimeters and holders of disability cards ZTP and ZTP/P are exempt.

This year’s event is experiencing less-than-ideal weather, which has resulted in lower attendance. The same was true during our visit. Unfortunately, some attractions were not functional due to a lack of interest. In contrast, others attracted riders of any number: “It doesn’t matter how many people come, we’re going,” heard one of them. The advantage was the absence of long lines and large crowds.

Matějská pouť will be at the Prague Exhibition Grounds every day until April 10, except for Mondays. From Tuesday to Friday, it is open from 1 pm to 9 pm, and on weekends and holidays from 10 am to 10 pm.