Mobile Post Office Faces Challenges in Czech Villages

Pavel Karban

In the rural villages of Silesia, the mobile post office service, known as “Mobilní pošta,” is struggling to gain traction among the residents. Since the beginning of October, Erika Kociánová from Česká pošta has been visiting the villages of Krásná, Horní Domaslavice, Dolní Tošanovice, and Vojkovice in Frýdek-Místek every working day. However, the number of people served in the past three weeks has been disappointingly low.

The lack of interest from the villagers has been evident, leaving the mobile post office with little to do. The service has failed to attract residents, with only a few individuals in Dolní Tošanovice showing up. The reason for this disinterest remains unclear. It seems that the unusual vehicle used by the mobile post office caught the attention of the local cat more than the human inhabitants.

According to Eva, an 83-year-old resident of Vojkovice, most people in the area have been using other post offices for years. The post office that used to operate at the municipal office was closed down long ago. Eva learned about the mobile post office’s visits only recently, thanks to a journalist from Právo. However, she personally has no need for its services, as her grandson handles her mail and reimburses her for any expenses.

The closure of the local post office in Vojkovice occurred in the mid-1990s. Since then, residents have been traveling to Dobrá and Dobratice for postal services. Mayor Petr Tesarčík expressed his disappointment with the limited range of services provided by the mobile post office. He questioned the purpose of such a project and its future prospects.

The mobile post office, operated by Česká pošta, offers only a limited set of services, including sending parcels, handling postal money orders, SIPO services, purchasing stamps, phone cards, and printing. It serves as a substitute for physical branches in areas where they are not available. The selection of villages for the mobile post office was based on various criteria, including the availability of mobile and internet coverage.

Despite the challenges faced by the mobile post office, Pavel Blabla, the mayor of Dolní Tošanovice, believes it is a beneficial project. He emphasized the importance of local residents adapting to this new service. The low footfall at the mobile post office is a well-known fact for Česká pošta. The majority of customers are seniors or mothers on maternity leave, according to spokesperson Ivo Vysoudil.

However, the future of the mobile post office in these villages remains uncertain. The service will only be available for three months, concluding on December 22nd, before moving on to another region. Whether the villagers will become accustomed to and embrace this service is unknown. For some, the discontinuation of the mobile post office may come as a disappointment.