More than half of Czechs buy food mainly at discounts

Food prices have been rising for some time now, and many Czech households have had to adapt. Discounts have significantly impacted Czechs’ shopping behavior, with more than half of them buying food during these periods. Most often, they spend between five and ten thousand crowns a month on them.

The rising price of food fundamentally influences the buying behavior of Czech customers, according to a recent survey conducted by Kruk among more than 1,000 representatives of the Czech population. Fifty-four percent of people, especially women (61 percent), seek out food discounts and shop only there.

Price increases forced more than a quarter (28 percent) of Czechs to shop only for basic foodstuffs. A fifth of households have started to buy lower-quality food, and around one in six to one in seven Czechs are trying to reduce their food costs by adjusting their diet, while the same number are helping themselves by raising or growing their food. A tenth of Czechs goes to neighboring countries to buy food, where it is cheaper.

“More than a fifth of Czech households have not been affected by the rising price of food and are buying it the same way as before. However, it was mainly pensioners, parents on parental leave, and people without jobs who had to cut back. However, only a minimum of Czech households need substantial help with food purchases, for example, through a food bank,” added Jaroslava Palendalová from Kruk.

Monthly spending of up to CZK 10,000

More than four-fifths of households (82 percent) spend up to CZK 10,000 monthly on food. The most common monthly spending is between CZK 5,000 and CZK 10,000, which was mentioned by almost two-fifths of people (37 percent).

Three out of ten households make do with between three and five thousand crowns. Less than a fifth of households (18 percent) spend more than ten thousand crowns monthly on food purchases.

“Almost regardless of age, monthly income, and social status, Czechs are very price-sensitive and like to seek discount promotions. Moreover, in regions bordering Poland, they do not hesitate to travel abroad to buy cheaper food – even more than three times more often than the national average,” Palendalová mentioned.

Prague residents in the survey report the highest food expenditures. At the same time, older people from smaller towns are more likely to help themselves by raising their livestock and growing their food.