Municipal Government Proposes to Keep Post Office in Prague 3 Open

The municipal government of Prague 3 has proposed to Česká Pošta (Czech Post) to keep the post office branch in Koněvova Street on Jarov intact and not close it down as part of their planned branch reduction. Česká Pošta will consider the proposal from the municipal government.

A spokesperson for the municipal district, Jiří Hannich, said that Česká Pošta’s position would be known at the beginning of next week. If the post office agrees to the proposal, Olšanská Street and Koněvova Street branches will remain open in Prague 3.

Česká Pošta plans to close five out of six post offices in Prague 3 starting in July, but the municipal government has been protesting against it since last week. Representatives of Česká Pošta have recently stated that they do not intend to change the list of branches to be closed. The heads of other city districts have also been protesting against the closure of post offices. Česká Pošta plans to close 300 branches nationwide to save money starting in July, which would mean the end of 35 out of 106 post offices in Prague.

The municipal government of Prague 3 wants to keep at least two branches open to distribute the possibility of using postal services evenly. The Olšanská branch would cover postal services for the western part of Prague 3, while the post office in Jarov would serve the eastern regions.

“The plan to reduce post office branches from six to one cannot be based solely on commuting distance, as Česká Pošta did. Prague 3 is one of the areas with the highest population density in Prague and virtually in the entire Czech Republic. In addition, a large development area of Nákladové nádraží Žižkov is being prepared, which will bring more residents to the area. Many seniors and foreigners who regularly use postal services also live here,” said Pavel Dobeš, Deputy Mayor of Prague 3.

Prague 9 has also been negotiating with Česká Pošta to transfer one of the operating branches to the Pošta Partner system, in which it would participate in its operation to prevent the future closure of the branch.

Other municipal governments have also protested against the closure, not only because of the closure of branches but also because of how communication has been handled. Some mayors have learned about the post office’s plans through the media.

Prague 13 has already adopted a resolution against the closure, and on Thursday, the council of Prague 11 will discuss the matter. Representatives of the post office have already arranged meetings with them and the mayors of Prague 6 and Prague 8.