Nearly 90 percent of Czechs are in favor of helping people from Ukraine, although most consider it too generous

Sergej Grits

Nearly nine out of ten people in the Czech Republic support humanitarian aid to Ukraine, which is under attack by Russia, and aid to war refugees. At the same time, 60 percent believe that the aid to refugees is too generous and that the Czechs will pay the price. Three-quarters of people see Russia as the main culprit in the war, while almost half see it as a fight for the Czech Republic. A quarter of people would agree with direct action against Russia.

Six out of ten Czechs think that arms supplies to Ukraine are dangerous for the Czech Republic because they drag it into the war. Humanitarian aid to Ukraine is supported by 88 percent of people in the Czech Republic, while aid to war refugees is supported by 84 percent.

Eleven percent of people are ready to accommodate and employ Ukrainian refugees. People with primary education and men are overrepresented among the 60% who believe refugee aid is overly generous. Similarly, men in particular and the oldest participants in the survey are among the 59 percent who say that supplying arms to Ukraine is dragging the country into war.

A quarter of the population supports direct military action against Russia; nearly two-thirds support sanctions against Russia, and 60% support Russia’s expulsion from the UN Security Council.81 percent of people in the Czech Republic disagree with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a tenth agrees.

According to 74 percent of respondents, Russia is the main culprit in the war, while 19 percent blame the US for the outbreak of the war.

Four in 10 Czechs think there will be no winners in the war, with one in 10 expecting an outright victory for Russia or Ukraine. Nearly two-fifths of people predict Russia’s attack on other countries and its use of weapons of mass destruction in Ukraine. 

Fiala was not in Kyiv; a quarter of people think

Forty-four percent of people are satisfied with the war coverage in Ukraine, above average, mainly highly qualified workers, managers, and university students. On the other hand, 31 percent are dissatisfied, and the pro-Russian sentiment is characteristic of this group, Focus said.

Thirty percent of people said they had not encountered any misinformation about the war in Ukraine. More than a quarter think that Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala (ODS) did not visit Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv and consider the event’s coverage as propaganda.