Over 130,000 Czechs Adopt Mobile ID App, Exceeding Expectations

Jan Handrejch

The eDoklady mobile application, which allows users to have their ID card on their mobile device, has been adopted by over 130,000 people in the Czech Republic. Launched just recently, the app has quickly gained popularity, surpassing the expectations of the Ministry for Local Development.

The app was developed to allow citizens to verify their identity using a digital ID at various institutions. According to Minister for Local Development Ivan Bartoš, the number of people interested in installing the app over the weekend exceeded expectations, causing some glitches in the service.

To handle the surge in demand, the Digital and Information Agency, which co-developed the application, has continuously optimized the app’s infrastructure. Martin Mesršmíd, director of the agency, stated, “We are constantly fine-tuning it, adding memory, adding servers, optimizing wherever we can handle the load.”

The app’s popularity hasn’t come without criticism. Some critics have accused the app of being a new digital totalitarian tool. However, Bartoš refuted these claims: “The plastic card remains. This is a variant for someone who only decides to carry a mobile phone in their pocket.”

In the first phase, eDoklady can be used at central administrative offices, particularly ministries. By the year’s second half, it is expected to be accepted at police stations and labor offices. The developers also plan to add the ability to add driver’s licenses to the app in the future.