People demonstrate against mandatory vaccination on Wenceslas Square

Photo: Pavel Jaňurek, Novinky

On Sunday afternoon, approximately 4,000 people gathered in Wenceslas Square in Prague. They are protesting against compulsory vaccinations for people over 60 and for selected professions approved by the outgoing government of Andrej Babiš (ANO). The Otevřeme Česko – Chcípl PES movement organized the demonstration.

The protesters are standing in Wenceslas Square from St. Wenceslas to Krakovská Street. According to the police, 4000 people are on the spot. Police are calling on them to take precautions without intervening.

The demonstration was set for 14:00, but people started gathering in front of  Wenceslas Square before it started. Some of them arrived with Czech flags and protest banners. The demonstrators plan to leave the square and head towards the government office building and Prague Castle.

Mandatory vaccination against Covid-19 for people over 60 and for selected professional groups was approved by the outgoing government of Andrej Babiš (ANO) officially on Friday by a decree of the Health Ministry. Compulsory vaccination is due to come into force by March.